There’s always the temptation to give your dog treats around the house, but we’ve all felt the panic when your pup has eaten something that they shouldn’t.
While nut butters are delicious, if you’re a new dog parent you might be wondering: Can dogs eat almond butter?
In this article, I will cover some key information about whether it’s safe for them to eat almond butter and tips to follow when it comes to giving them other nut butters.
Keep reading to find out more.
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Can dogs eat almond butter?
Yes, it is safe for dogs to eat almond butter provided that it is in moderation. While it’s fine for dogs to eat almond butter as a treat every now and then, it should never be a part of their daily diet.
This simply comes down to the fact that nuts are packed full of fat. When it comes to feeding your dog almond butter, the saying ‘too much of a good thing’ springs to mind.
Due to the high fat content, not only can feeding your dog too much almond butter cause them to put on unnecessary weight, but can also cause tummy aches, vomiting, and diarrhea.
Is almond butter safe for dogs?
In small amounts, no – almond butter is generally perceived as safe. Almond butter holds a lot of positives over peanut butter when it comes to the vitamin E content.
Vitamin E is known to help dogs to maintain a healthy immune system, muscle growth, and also promotes heart health. In addition to this, vitamin E can also help support skin and coat health in your pooch.
However, the answer to this question will also depend on your dog’s own personal health and allergies. For instance, not all dogs can digest almonds well. So, while they’re not toxic, you will need to make sure that you are cautious when first giving almond butter to your dog.
In addition to this, if you know that your dog already has an incredibly sensitive stomach, then almond butter probably isn’t going to be the best treat for them.
To ensure your dog’s safety, you will also need to ensure that you avoid the nut butters made with additives like the sweetener xylitol. This ingredient is highly toxic to dogs, and can even be fatal if they eat enough of it.
Xylitol is usually present in sugar-free or reduced sugar products, so you will need to make sure that you read the label before you feed any nut butter to your pooch.
Which nuts should you avoid feeding your dog?

In terms of nuts you should always avoid feeding your dog, pistachios, walnuts, and macadamias are at the top of the list.
Although pistachios aren’t actually considered to be toxic, they are not recommended to feed your dog. When they are eaten in large quantities, pistachios can cause stomach issues, obesity, and pancreatitis.
Walnuts can be toxic to dogs. While English walnuts are generally considered to be okay, black walnuts are highly toxic for dogs.
In addition to this, walnuts have a high moisture content and can thus start growing fungi at any stage (shelled or not) during their growth process, from harvest to the store shelf.
That being said, if you feed your dog walnuts they will be at a higher risk of experiencing symptoms such as vomiting, tremors, muscle weakness, a high temperature, and even seizures. As a result, it’s best to avoid walnuts as a whole.
Macadamia nuts are toxic to dogs and shouldn’t be given to your dog under any circumstances. The most common symptoms include vomiting, diarrhea, and weakness.
Chocolate is toxic to dogs. As a result, any nuts that are covered in chocolate should also be avoided, as they can make your dog incredibly sick.
Notes on feeding your dog almond butter
Introduce almond butter to your dog slowly
If you plan to incorporate this treat into your dog’s diet, you will need to ensure that you introduce almond butter slowly. This will allow your dog the time to adjust to the new food, and will reduce the risk of them having an upset stomach.
In addition to this, introducing them slowly to it will give you the opportunity to notice if your dog is having an allergic reaction to the almond butter, or if their stomach has been affected in a negative way.
When trying your dog on any kind of new food, the key is to have patience and to make sure that you’re always introducing the food slowly!
Check the ingredients
When feeding your dog almond butter or any nut butter for that matter, you will need to make sure that you always check the ingredients to make sure that it is safe for them. Always avoid toxic additives, such as the popular ingredient xylitol.
If ingested by your dog, you will need to call your veterinarian immediately as this can be fatal if your dog isn’t treated.
There are different almond butter variations on the market that can contain a wealth of ingredients your dog should avoid, including chocolate which is highly toxic for dogs to ingest.
Always make sure that you’re being safe by checking the ingredients on the back of the almond butter package.
Choose organic
The best almond butter to feed your dog is always going to be organic. Organic nut butters are often just that: nuts. Sometimes they contain a little bit of seasalt. However, the more minimal the ingredients are the better.
In summary
Yes, dogs can eat almond butter provided that it is given to them in moderation. However, almond butter should never become a regular food in their diet and should instead be seen as a treat that you only give your dog on a special occasion.
This will help your dog to maintain a healthy, balanced diet whilst ensuring that they don’t put on any unnecessary weight or are at further risk of developing any dietary health issues.